2024 Wrapped: Lessons Learned and How I Can Improve

Hi everyone, I’m Cindy!
To kick things off on my blog, I thought I’d share my 2024 Wrapped: lessons learned and how I plan to improve as a 20-year-old international student.

person behind fog glass

Image 1: Unsplash / Stefano Pollio.

A Year in Review

This year has been quite a journey. After graduating with my diploma, I decided to continue my studies with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). I pushed myself to focus on school to graduate in 8 months instead of the usual 11. Along the way, I also balanced working part-time and tried my best to maintain a social life.

How I Managed School

People often ask how I keep up with the demands of school without burning out. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

1. Focusing on My Mental Health
I’ve learned that mental health always comes first. I prioritize avoiding unnecessary pressure, and I’ve made it a point to listen to my body and mind. This approach has helped me find solutions during stressful exam periods and maintain balance.

2. Asking for Help
One thing I’ve realized is that it’s okay to ask for help. Whether it’s a classmate, an instructor, or even family and friends, it’s so much better to have someone listen to your concerns and offer a fresh perspective on the situation.

3. Tips for BBA Students
For anyone thinking about joining the BBA program, here’s what I recommend:

  • Take electives when you can.
  • Do your research on electives beforehand to find the ones that best fit your schedule and interests.
  • Consider online courses for added flexibility—they can save time and reduce stress.
    Focus on your core courses first, and reserve your remaining time for electives. The key here is to avoid combining these schedules; otherwise, you’ll find yourself facing multiple breakdowns each week!

4. My Rookie Mistake
I made a rookie mistake this year by overestimating my ability to handle 8 courses a semester while working part-time. It was challenging to keep up with the workload, especially since I was still adjusting to business school. Coming from a Graphic Communications background, I found the business courses much more difficult than I had expected. But, as I mentioned earlier, I’ve learned not to put too much pressure on myself. I’ve learned to lower my standards when needed and take time to relax to avoid burnout.

high-angle photography of group of people sitting at chairs

Image 2: Unsplash / Mikael Kristenson.

Conclusion: This year has been one of the hardest academically for me. I struggled, and while I may not have achieved all the goals I set, I’ve learned valuable lessons that will help me improve and do better next semester.

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